Make your Dairy Operations Efficient and Optimized
Smart Dairy Automation
Scale up your business profits by improving the efficiency of the milk procurement operation with our smart and intelligent solutions.
We provide smart, intelligent and innovative cloud based solutions for efficient and cost effective dairy operations and cold storage supply chain. From farm management and milk collection to quality analysis and preservation, we have several solutions to make sure that you have the best run dairy business possible.
Farm Level
Automate milking process through milking machines and parlors to increase milk yield and quality and efficiency. Our milking machines also have Mastitis detector which alerts the farmer in real time while the milking is going on.
Collection Center Level
We have multiple solutions like to automate and streamline the milk collection process at milk collection centers. We have smart and intelligent solutions for fat analyzer, SNF analyzer and smart weighing machines.
Dairy Operations Level
We have industrial grade solutions to make sure that you get the maximum uptime of your equipments and other assets. We have IOT and AI/ML based solutions for predictive maintenance and quality inspection.